Glee Quote of the Week:

Glee Quote of the Week:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PA Budget Cuts: What Does This Mean for Us?

As we all (should) know by now, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett proposed budget cuts for PA universities beginning July 1. For college students across PA, this cut will be detrimental to our education. So what exactly does this potential cut mean for us? According to the Wall Street,, this means that state funding for universities will be cut by 52%, which will result in higher tution, less open teaching positions in colleges, limited classes, and pay freezes.

I am one of thousands of Pitt students with a story.

 I, like many students at Pitt-Greensburg, am a first-generation college student from a hard working family. Both of my parents work full-time and have put me through college by doing so. As the first family member to be a graduate of college, I value education. I'll be going to Pitt next year for a teaching program so that I can (hopefully) teach in a Pittsburgh school within the next two years.

Yesterday I was standing outside my Literature class when two girls walked past me carrying books.
"I can't come back next year if tuition goes up," one said.
"Neither can I. I already have two jobs and I can't imagine getting a third," the other said.

Is education a privilege for only those that can afford it?

With a majority of Repulicans in the Senate, Corbett's cuts stand a good chance of succeeding.

As a part of Corbett's proposed plan, teachers across PA will be laid off, and those that aren't will be taking pay freezes. This makes me reconsider my career choice. Will I have to move out of PA and leave my friends and family behind because jobs, especially teaching positions, are few and far between?

The world is in a bad place right now. And I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

How does this relate to Glee? It doesn't.

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