Glee Quote of the Week:

Glee Quote of the Week:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life Lesson I've Learned from Glee

Life is Too Short to Stress

We all know that familiar feeling of the week before finals. UGHHHHHHH. That's how I feel about it. In some ways, I act like Rachel Berry. I can't sing or dance, but I can worry about useless things. I, like Miss. Berry, am an over-thinker. Today's dilemma: Whether or not I should force myself to read for a class if I hate the assigned book. Now, I know what you're thinking: Get over it, it's part of college to hate the assigned books, just shutup and do it. But here's my defense: I really hate this book. So in order to put off reading the book, I called my mom to complain about how hard my life as a college student is.
"Mom, my life is so hard. I have so much homework," I said.
"Well, you're almost done," she said.
"No. You don't understand. I have so much work."
"Nat, I do understand. Everyone else has a lot of work, too. If you had that much work, you'd be doing it right now instead of calling me to complain about it."

Good point, mom.

That phone call put things into perspective for me. Instead of wasting time bitching about homework, I need to just shut up and do it. To avoid the stress of homework and finals, focus on something good.

Last week, my roommate got a kitten. Before I start my homework, I play with Lilly to relieve stress. I've also realized that everyone needs someone (for me, it's my mom) to have the balls to tell you to get over yourself. Thanks, mom.

Here's what Lilly looks like:


  1. hahahaha! "here's my defense: I really hate this book." really solid and strong defense, nat. love it! hahahah

  2. Kaylie I have to agree with Natalie about the book... I'm pretty sure I know what book you're talking about Natalie haha. But also, I like how you take time to de-stress, and play with Lily, and that you said you have at least one person in your life to tell you to suck it up. My brother is that person for me haha.

  3. Jenna, that IS the book I'm talking about! haha it's so dumb. it's so funny that you know which one it is.Also, I can't find your blog.
